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Jerwood Opera Writing Programme for Aldeburgh Music

© Helen Bartlett
© Kieron McCarron
© Katie van Dyke
Articles & Features feature on Mary King, Chorus! festival and MasterCard
(13 May 2011) feature on Chorus! and the links between singing and wellbeing (12 May 2011)
The Guardian/Observer Guide to Performing: Singing (10 May 2009) - Mary guides us through a thorough warm-up session for the muscles and the voice
The Guardian “Lost in La La Land” (13 May 2006) - Mary teaches “tone deaf” journalist Emily Bearne to sing
Cardiff Singer of the World Competition 2009 - Mary reveals her tips for singing well in the competition

YouTube Clips
Southbank Centre Voicelab - Mary introduces Voicelab
Mary directing the 'The People's Chorus' in 'We Shall Overcome'
Elbow Concert, 16 June 2008 - Mary conducting men’s chorus
Any Day Now
One Day Like This
Goblin Market - interview with the composer/conductor and fragments of music with Mary's narration
BBC Radio 3 The Choir
As guest presenter, Mary has presented a fascinating range of choral singing in a series of programmes covering European folk music (10 March 2013), the growing interest in natural voice singing (8 Sept 2013); a project that's drawing the worlds of science and music together (29 September 2013), and most recently, she marks the contribution made to choral music by women, as performers, conductors and composers, with an interview with composer Meredith Monk about her work with her group Vocal Ensemble, and music including works by Lili Boulanger and Sweet Honey in the Rock (20 October 2013).
BBC Radio 3 Twenty Minutes
(27 Feb 2013) 'Left High & Dry': Mary presents a programme charting the rise and fall of the castrato voice.
Channel 4 Microsite


Lessons: see teaching page
General Enquiries:
email: info’at’
NB: This email address is only checked approximately once a week, so please be aware that it is not suitable for urgent messages for Mary.

We have sought permission wherever possible to reproduce the images and links found on this website. If you have any concerns about anything you see on the site please do contact us.